Leading a miserable life is very easy and completely within our reach. Just follow these tips and you will be guaranteed success Kambo Training.
The first step is to leave everything for another day or procrastinate . Why bother doing today what I can leave for tomorrow? Overall, it doesn’t matter if the work is going to accumulate or if the next day it will be more difficult to start that pending task. As we postpone what we have to do, we will always have that feeling of guilt in our heads for not having things prepared on time and we will have to constantly apologize, even lying with false excuses to explain why we have not done what we had pending on time. This can happen at work, at school, at home… in any area of our lives.
Secondly, to lead a sad life full of melancholy, it is advisable to pay more attention to what others have. A better car, a perfect family, an enviable job… there are many aspects in which we can feel that we are inferior to others because of what they have. Of course, thinking that the other is superior because of the material goods they have is going to make us feel envious. Let’s not fool ourselves, there is no healthy envy: if we want what the other person has and we think that whatever they have in their possession is better than ours, that is called envy and it only leads to sadness and constant anger. Only in Torah study, when students compete to know more than others, does envy carry something good since it makes the person strive harder every day to surpass others in deepening the study of Torah.
Closely related to the previous point is the following thought to lead an unhappy life: thinking that everything bad happens to us. How many times do we not ask ourselves why we go through so much misfortune? It is very common for the washing machine to break, for the refrigerator to not work, for bills to appear even from under the rocks right in the month when we have the most expenses… does everything bad have to happen to me? Instead of thinking that through this suffering we are atoning for a sin, we believe that what we receive is something totally unfair and out of place.
As a direct consequence of the above, we come to the conclusion that our life is miserable (which is precisely where our actions were taking us) and we feel self-pity . We don’t understand how we got to this point, whining becomes a constant in our lives and there is no way out of that lament. For more information, consult this Jewel where Rabbi Shalom Arush explains this concept very well.
Finally, what definitely puts us on the path to an unhappy life is our own thinking . The mind has unimaginable power, therefore the more we think that we have an unhappy life, the sadder our life will be. We just have to think all the time how bad and regrettable our existence is and then we will have a miserable life. I guarantee it!
If, on the other hand, you want to have a joyful and satisfying life, do the opposite!
Every day we have some chores to attend to and it is a pleasure to finish with the entire list of tasks completed. The rest that comes with having finished what we had pending makes us feel satisfied with ourselves and happier.
If the neighbor has a newer car, a more beautiful and perfect family, or a house twice as big, we should be happy for him. Our family and our possessions are perfect just the way they are, not an inch more or less. What is assigned to us from Heaven is what we need. Of course, we have to make an effort and work both physically and spiritually to achieve our goals, but at every moment what we have is what we need at that moment. As we advance, we will in turn receive what we need.
What happens in our lives at every moment is what we need to live. We all have a list of character traits that we need to work on and polish. We have come to this life to repair our soul and, to do this, HaShem places tests on our path that make us improve as people. Therefore, we are not being continually punished but quite the opposite: we are receiving another opportunity to do things well.
For this reason, there is no need to feel sorry for ourselves, no one is treating us badly! If something has happened in our lives it is because it had to be that way and not because Someone thinks that we should receive all kinds of misfortunes in life.
It all depends on the point of view from which we look at the events of our lives. The power of positive thinking is impressive and it is also accurate!