Probably because you changed to the new to enjoy the many benefits and connectivity with other Microsoft products, but you may want to return to Hotmail, as you might not like the new Outlook interface, or simply you don’t get used to the new look or just by nostalgia. Whatever are the reasons you have, you can change your email account from to Hotmail in a few steps.
One of the great advantages of and the approach that Microsoft is giving to this new service is the deep respect for the user, which is reflected in the importance given to user’s opinion in all the proccess of development of this mail service. Most likely for this reason, it is possible to migrate from Outlook to Hotmail service again if you didn’t like While that is a temporary solution while closing the platform of Hotmail, the simple fact that you can leave the Outlook test is an example of excelent customer service and quality.
To change from to Hotmail, just log into your account from using your user name and password of Hotmail. In the inbox, look in the upper right corner for Settings icon, which looks like a small white gear. Click and a look at the end of the menu for the option “switch back to Hotmail“. Click there.
A small window will open prompting you to express the reasons that makes you leave the experience (which once again shows how important it is now to Microsoft the user opinion). If you want to expose your motives, click on ‘Send Feedback‘. This opens a new browser tab with a form where you can express your opinion. If you don’t want to say anything, just click on ‘Skip Feedback‘. After following these simple steps, you will be returned to the home page of the old Windows Live Hotmail interface. Anyway, you can comeback to Outlook whenever you want.